This tutorial covers the way the TandemPlus program transitions between semesters.
The program is divided into three semesters that coincide with the University of Minnesota’s semesters: fall, spring, and summer. When you register, you are entered into that semester’s matching pool and are paired with other participants who are also registered during that semester. Any partnerships you are in will last until the end of that semester. During that time, you will be actively entered into the matching pool, will receive the TandemTalk newsletter, and could be contacted about upcoming pairing opportunities and events.
At the beginning of a new semester, TandemPlus “turns over” the last semester and begins a new one by emptying the matching pool. At this time, if you log back into the software you will be prompted to update your profile and enter the new semester’s matching pool. By rejoining the semester, you will be required to update your time availability and you can also make changes to your personal profile.
If you and your partner wish to continue meeting after the semester and you are matched in concludes, congratulations you made a friend! We invite you to continue your partnership as long as you want and you are not required to re-register with TandemPlus to do so. That said, you are welcome to also re-register to find a new partner or to continue that partnership.
If you are no longer participating in TandemPlus, but still want to receive TandemTalk newsletters, please click “Subscribe to TandemTalk” at the bottom of any TandemTalk email.
If you were unsuccessful in finding a partner in the previous semester, we do suggest you re-register as there are new participants joining every semester. We will prioritize pairing to those who have not received partners in the past. Remember, TandemPlus is open to the community, even if you have graduated or are no longer attending the university, you are always welcome to join TandemPlus.